Please, join Saint Sava Cathedral’s Circle of Serbian Sister’s in celebration of its patron saint day on Sunday, October 19, 2014 at the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Sava in New York. The Divine Liturgy will start at 10:30 a.m., following with Luncheon at 1:00 p.m.Throughout its history, the Circle of Serbian Sisters has provided sustenance and hospitality to all those who crossed its path, so come and show your appreciation for this very special group of ladies on their very special day. Welcome!
Придружите нам се у цркви Светог Саве у недељу, 18. октобра 2015. године, на слави Кола српских сестара – Покров Пресвете Богородице. Слава ће започети Светом Литургијом у 10:30 часова, након које ће се благословити славски колач. Свечани ручак ће се служити у парохијском дому у 13:00 часова. Добро нам дошли!