А cataclysmic flooding in Serbia, the worst in 120 years (since the measuring began), already took many lives and left thousands of people in large areas of the country stranded, without any food, electricity and their homes.
Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Sava in New York is collecting monetary donations to aid the flooded areas in Serbia and Republika Srpska. If you would like to contribute, you may do so by:
1. Bringing or sending a check to the church (20 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10010, Make checks payable to: Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Sava). On the memo line, please write “Flood Aid.”
2. Paying by credit card or Paypal (please, visit our webpage at https://stsavanyc.org/, then click on the button “Donate” on the right hand side of the main page).[:SR]
Саборна црква Светог Саве у Њујорку прикупља новчану помоћ за најугроженија поплављена подручја у Србији и Републици Српској. Уколико желите да помогнете, новац можете приложити:
1. Слањем чека на црквену адресу (20 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10010, чек насловите на “Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Sava,” са назнаком „Поплава“).
2. Путем кредитне картице, или уплатом на Paypal налог. На црквеној интернет презентацији https://stsavanyc.org/, кликните на дугме “Donate” на десној страни странице.[:]